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UL Certifications

The UL Certified Mark for products is part of the enhanced Mark system. This system consists of the UL Certified Mark plus special promotional badge. The UL Certified Mark can be used for products certified under UL’s Listing and Classification services and for UL certifications for certain geographies. Any UL certified product currently carrying a UL Listed, Classified or Performance Verified Mark for the U.S. and Canada can switch over to the UL Certified Mark and promotional badge system. Also, products carrying the UL Mark for Japan (UL-JP Mark) and the European Union (UL-EU Mark) can also switch to the UL Certified Mark and promotional badge system.

Please note that promotional badges may not be used unless a product is also carrying a UL Certified Mark. UL also offers the UL Certified Mark and promotional badge with optional QR codes. Please also refer to the general guidelines for other promotional requirements.

WRG Certifications
